through Dec: 471 hikers, 39 hikes
Events: GoG Fossil Day, Red Leg Brewing Fund Raiser, Bristol Brewing Fund Raiser, TOSC Awards Gathering: 235+
School presentation: 500 students
Jan 8. Bishop. pw. 1
January 29, Bishop. Saturday Knights, sm. 11
January 31, JCC Indigenous Women's hikers, AC, SM 10
February 5. First Saturday. Bishop. RD 10
February 10, JCC. Tribal Council tour, AC, SM 2
February 28, Bishop. CC geo class, RD. 9
March1, Bishop. RD 10
March 5. Bishop. RD. number?
March 29. TOPS working committee. sm. 3
April 9. CB Bishop. pw. number14
April 7. JCC City Council. jh number?
April 18. CB Bishop. Cascade 6th grade. rd, pw, sl 45
April 20. JCC parks advisory board. 8. jh
April 21 JCC. rd. 8
April 24. CB Bishop. rd, pw. 30
April 27. JCC. rd. 10
April 28. CB Bishop. UCCS Geology. sm. 25
May 2. Bishop. pw. 2
May 7. Bishop. First Saturday. pw. 17
May 10. CB Bishop. 4th grade. rd, sl. 46
May 13. Bishop. Paula. 2
May 14. CB various PPB&NF. sm, jb 14
May 15. JCC PPB&NF. sm, jb. 11 23 hikes 309 hikers through May 15
June 3. Anderson. UCCS field school, Anna. sm. 13
June 7. CB Bishop. DMNS volunteers. sm, rd. 20
June 14. JCC. Rose. 9
June 15. JCC TOPS Bob Falcone, Rose, Paula, Ellie, Frank. led by Mike. 5
June 30. Bishop. Archaeo field school. Anna, sm. 13
Sept 5, Bishop. Cool Science. pw. 3
Sept 23 Bishop. sm. City k. Sunderlin. 8
Sept 26. TOSC rd. 6
September 17th CB Sue is leading this one 10?
September 25th Cool Science CB
October 8th CB Denver dental office. rd. 6
October 19 JCC. Two archaeology groups. SM, Jenn H. 15
October 22nd Bishop. Florissant Fossil Beds members. rd. 7.
October 23rd CMZ Docents CB Bishop. pw, rd. 13
Oct 25 Bishop. County Nature Centers staff. sm, rd. 20
Nov 25. Bishop. Family group. pw. 13
December 3. Case. pw. 3
TOTAL2022: 40 hikes, 480 hikers
January 16, CC geology professor. Bishop, sm, 1 person
March 20, Paula, Bishop trail, Johnson Family 7 attended
March 27, Paula, Bishop Public hike 7
April 3, Paula/Rose 2 hikes Bishop, public 17
April 6, Paula, Bishop, public 5 Cheyenne Canyon Helen Hunt/Starsmore Staff
April 7, Paula, Bishop, public 8
April 10, Sue, Bishop public 6
April 24, Rose, JCC, Birding Public 11
April 24 Paula, Bishop, public 14
April 29, UCCS geology, Bishop. sm, pw, rd, 24 + Mike ranger May 14 Pikes Peak Birding & Nature Festival (PPB&NF) sm CB Bishop paleo hike 15 May 15 PPB&NF sm, jb CB birding 12
May 16 PPB&NF sm, jb. JCC birding12
May 1st Bishop 21 hikers Paula
May 8th Bishop 9 hikers Paula
May 14 PPB&NF Paleo hike. Bishop. sm. 14
May 15 PPB&NF sm, jb CB birding. 11
May 16 PPB&NF sm, jb. JCC birding. 13
May 22nd Bishop 4 hikers Paula
May 26th Bishop 4 hikers Paula
June 5th, Jax, Case Property 15
June 6th, Sue Bishop Property 8
June 10, Pikes Peak Over the Hill Gang JCC, sm, jh, sl, 20 hikers
June 12th, Rose, Bishop 11
June 18th, Jax and Paula Bishop 7
June 19, Friends of Dino Ridge, sm, rd. Bishop. 24
June 19th, Jax and Paula Bishop 13
June 23, UCCS Geology Prof, Bishop and beyond, sm. 1 hiker
June 29th, Paula JCC 13
July 3, LSU field school. Bishop, sm, pw. 10
Sept 11 Rose/Sharon STEM teachers, 16 Sept 18 General Hike, 1
Sept 20, Bishop. pw, Over the Hill Gang. 13
Sept 26, WIPS. Bishop. sm, Jenn h, rd. 20
Sept 26 Lake George Gem & Mineral. jh. 7
Oct 2 first Saturday hike. Bishop. pw. 22
Oct 8 CC reunion. sm, jh. 7 TOTAL THROUGH 10/8 414
Oct 10 Cool Science Festival. 0
Oct 14 N Brough group Case Property. pw. 12
Oct 16 DMNS/Rocky Mtn Assoc Geologist led by Tyler. 34
Oct 19 RH from PA. sm. 1
Oct 23 J Wolfe and friends Bishop. pw, jh. 2
Oct 24 K Kasik and friends Case. pw. 10
Oct 27 R Beck and friends Bishop. pw. 11.
Nov. 4. Rose personal group. Bishop. rd. 7
Nov 6. First Saturday rd, jh. 36
Nov 16 CCW-O'd Bishop. 15. sm
Nov 27 Saturday Knights. Bishop (JCC?). sm, 10
Dec 18 pw. 9
Dec 21 CC Bishop. pw, rd, 23
TOTAL 2021 50 hikes. 585 hikers
January 2, pw, rd 10 people
January 4 pw,rd 30 people
January 12Bishop. Florissant Sci Soc, 21, sm, jb
January 20 Colorado Springs Mountain Hikers jh? 20 people to JCC
January 27, G Pressman group, 10? jh
Feb 1, First Saturday hike, 25, pw, rd
Feb 3, Colorado Mtn Hikers, 15, jh
Feb 27 Bishop. DMNS volunteers 8 people, sm
Feb 28. Bishop. G of G rangers, 7 people, sm RESCHEDULED FROM JAN 31
*Feb 29 Colorado Mountain Hikers
March 7 First Saturday hike 20, pw, rd
March 8. Bishop. Florissant Sci Soc second hike. 12 people with Geologist J Thorson sm, jb
*March 9 Hardy Hikers
*March 14 First Saturday hike
March 27 CS Archeological Soc, 20, sm, ac CANCELED *COVID*
April 25 Colo Sci Soc, 20, sm, pw, rd CANCELED
April 19 Canon City Geology Club, 17, sm, rd CANCELED
DMNS volunteers hike 2 CANCELED
*May 17 C Hogsett group, rd, pw CANCELED?
May 15, PP Birding & Nature Festival wildflower hike, Jh, pw, rd CANCELED
May 15, 16, 17. CB. PP Birding & Nature Festival birding hike CB, sm, jb CANCELED
May 15, 16, 17. JCC. PP Birding & Nature Festival birding hike JCC, jb CANCELED
June 10. Bishop. Rangers hike with Anna, and Pioneers Museum historians at CB Bishop, 12 sm, ac,
*July 8 hike? jh
6-18. CB Bishop. hike, 6. pw, rd
6-19. CB Bishop. hike 2. jh, pw
6/29. CB Bishop hike. 12. pw, rd
6/30. CB Bishop hike. 12. pw, rd
7/1 /CB 1. pw
7/5. CB Bishop hike. 5. pw, rd
7/8. CB CB Bishop hike. 8. jh, pw
7/28. CB. 2. pw
8/12. CB. 1. pw
8/15. CB. 8. pw
8/16. CB 6. pw.
9/5. CB. 6.pw
9/6. CB.TOSC. 10. pw (23 cancelations due to heat- 93 degrees; 4 turned away due to short pants)
9/7. CB. 13. pw
9/12. CB 9
9/15. CB. 9
9/19. CB 9
9/20. CB Bishop. 9. sm
9/26. CB Bishop. 18. two groups sm, rd
*9/26. CB Jax, 6
10/3. CB Bishop. 9. sm
10/4. CB Bishop 9. sm
*10/7. CB M Carley. 6
*10/11 CB Bishop 9 and Case 9 Cool Sci Fest
*10/12 CB Bishop. 9. Sue Cool Sci Fest
*10/17 CB Bishop. 9. and Case 9. jh and pw Cool Sci Fest
*10/18 CB Bishop 9 and Case 9. rd and pw Cool Sci Fest
*10/24 CB JH, 6
*10/24 CB Cheri & Chris, 6
*10/26 JCC J Beck group, 6
Apr 3 4th graders, pw, rd, sm
Apr 4 4th graders, pw, rd, sm
May 18 JCC Pikes Peak Birding and Nature Festival, sm
June 19 TENS, rd, pw, jh, sm
Aug 23 JCC, sm
Sept 2 Monday Morning Birders, sm
Nov 5 AAUW pw and sm
Nov __, news reporters, jh
Nov 8 PPCC pw and sm
Nov 9, pw
Nov 10 Florissant Scientific Society, 15 hikers. sm
Nov 12 JCC, pw
Nov 13, pw
Nov 16, pw
Nov 18, JCC, O’donnell CC group, sm 15.
Nov 26, pw
Dec 2 JCC TOSC, sm, pw, rd 8
Dec 7 18 people pw, rd
Dec 10, Rose 8 people
Dec 12 JCC TOSC, sm, jh, pw, rd 24 people
TOTAL 2019 approx 250 hikers